Folk is a genre that has been around for centuries, with roots in traditional and regional music from all over the world. It's characterized by its simplicity, often featuring acoustic instruments like guitar, banjo, and harmonica, as well as lyrics that tell stories of everyday life and often have social or political commentary.
Folk has evolved throughout history, with different sub-genres emerging over time. For example, in the mid-20th century, there was a surge of interest in folk music during the American folk revival, which included artists like Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger. In more recent years, contemporary folk artists such as Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers have gained popularity by blending traditional folk elements with modern sounds.
Despite its long history, folk music remains relevant today because of its ability to capture the human experience in a relatable way. Whether it's through stories of love and loss or commentary on social issues, folk music has a way of connecting with people from all walks of life.
100% Volksmusik100% Volksmusik - Der beste Mix aus den aktuellsten Hits der volkstümlichen Musik sowie den bekanntesten Volksliedern! Nur hier bei 100%Volksmusik!
Antenne BliesgauAus dem Herzen des Biosphärenreservates Bliesgau sendet -Antenne-Bliesgau- für Euch.
Im Programm: Volksmusik, Blasmusik und Schlager.
Neben regelmäßigen Live-Sendungen ist -Antenne-Bliesgau- rund um die Uhr für Euch auf Sendung.
ArgebratArgebrat spielt die Lieblingsperlen, das Unerwartete, Coverversionen, Peeliges, querdurch, sortiert nach Stil, Instrument, Land... Die Mission: akustische Abhärtung für die Gehörgänge.
Arkadas Radyo-Kimin yanlış ve kötü giden birşeylere itirazı varsa, kim kaygı ve umut taşıyorsa insana dair, kimin yüreğinin bir yerlerinde adalete ve merhamete dair kıpırtılar varsa hala, sesimiz bir buluşma yeri olsun onlara...
Bad WolfHallo! Dieser Sender ist derzeit noch im Aufbau, bis jetzt haben wir eine kleinere Auswahl an themenorientierten Playlists und auch bereits diverse unplanmäßige Live-Sendungen dabei.
Big Radio 2Big Radio - Big 2 is a broadcast radio station on the on the Big Radio network from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, providing Folk Music.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja LukaFolk36 kbpsAAC (HE-AACV2)
Big Radio FolkBIG radio je stranica na kojoj možete da se informišete, zabavite i družite.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja LukaFolk31 kbpsAAC (HE-AACV2)
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