CBS Radio BugandaCBS Radio Buganda 89.2 is a broadcast radio station from Kampala, Uganda providing local music, news and entertainment in Luganda and occasional news bulletins in English.
Freedom ExperienceSermons, Prayers, Inspirational Music, Presentations &Teaching Series on Experiencing Christ (as the Word, life, light, grace, and Truth. Enjoying Music for Life, Motivational, Educating and Refreshing your Spirit.
HOT100We run this town when it comez to urban radio. We have won best radio at the Buzz Teenz Awards for Four Years in a row. HOT100 Kampala's mostest Hip Hop and R'n'B radio station (100.9 F.M.)
KDR 100.3 FMKDR 100.3 FM isa local radio station located in Karuguuza Town in Kibaale town council Kibaale district-owned and established by Hon Matia Kasaija
LiMe FMLiMe FM is an online radio station located in on hills of rwenzori mountains, Blithe Town of Uganda. It was established in 2024 to entertain the world with latest top music and news. It's slogan is we're the music of life
One FMFounded in 1997, our format is Great Songs...Great Memories. Music played is targeted at adult listeners and is aimed at resonating their good memories.
UgandaRock64 kbpsMP3
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