New Age is a unique and captivating music genre that emerged in the 1980s, characterized by its soothing and meditative qualities. It often incorporates elements from world music, ambient music, jazz, electronic music, and classical music to create a calming and contemplative atmosphere.
New Age music is typically instrumental and focuses on creating an ethereal sound that transports listeners to another realm of consciousness. The genre is known for its use of synthesizers, pianos, flutes, harps, and other instruments to create a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
New Age music has been described as "healing" or "spiritual" music because it often evokes feelings of relaxation, contemplation, and introspection in listeners. It is commonly used for meditation, yoga, massage therapy, and other healing practices due to its ability to create a sense of calmness and serenity.
The New Age genre has evolved over the years, incorporating new technologies and musical styles while still retaining its signature sound. Today, it remains a popular music choice for those seeking relaxation and inner peace in an increasingly chaotic world.
GAIA Prime RadioInternet radio station playing New Age/Contemporary Instrumental Music and Celtic Music. Uninterrupted music, 24/7. Background Music For Your Life!
New Age RadioМузыкальная интернет-радиостанция легкой музыки, поможет вам отдохнуть и расслабиться, погрузиться в мир гармонии и наслаждений. В эфире — мелодичная, приятная музыка, завораживающие вокализы и напевы
Radio SerendipityMotivational interviews and quotes & neoclassical music 24/7 - Know Thyself - Познай самого себя ! - Вдохновляющие интервью и цитаты & неоклассическая музыка
Vikland RadioVIKLAND est une webradio de musiques d’ambiance (New Age & World Music). En écoutant notre radio, vous voyagerez autour du monde en passant par les pays celtes, le nord du Canada avec les Inuits et les Amérindiens, l’Amérique du sud…
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